
"Feelin' Hot, Hot, Hot"

We've had a busy 2.5 weeks. A marriage, a honeymoon, a holiday, and a move to Colorado. The wedding went by very quickly, but we had an awesome time. Pete did a great job marrying us, Uncle Mark DJed like it was 1999, and we partied hardy.

After the wedding we woke up the next morning at 3 to go to the airport, where we realized our tickets were never purchased. Oops. We ended up buying tickets about 30 minutes prior to take off and asked a guy to give up a window seat on a 4.5 hour fight so we could sit next to each other. Once landed, our flight to Belize was delayed an hour and we missed our final flight to the resort by about 15 minutes. The airline paid for a "romantic" night at their "finest" hotel in Belize city where the showers were temperature sensative, the beds were on wheels and the TV remotes required a $60 deposit. Upside? We had a pretty cool taxi drive.

After catching our flight the next morning to Kanantik, the honeymooning began. It consisted of sun, sunburns, hiking (in the rain), waterfalls, kayaking, snorkling, bugs, bug bites, scorpions, swimming, eating, humidity, and culture dances. Overall, we had a great time on our honeymoon and are very excited to spend our lives together.

After driving a straight 21 hours from Brush Prairie to Carbondale, we are settled at our place. Although Dave lost the keys to both his cars today, so...yea.



Thanks SO much for the blog update, you two! :-) Missing you so much. Love the pictures, but are even happier that we could see your lovely bug-bitten legs in person last week. Enjoy Colorado - we love you! ~ Many hugs, Mom and Dad

Unknown said...

Glad you're still kickin'. We enjoyed your lovely wedding!

Chris and Sarah said...

Glad you made it! Hope you find your car keys and can start unpacking that sweet condo. Good luck w/school Nikki!

The Guy and The Girl said...

I've been waiting patiently for your honeymoon post. Sounds fun and funny! I cant wait to see your wedding photos! Your cake was so yummy, I need another piece right now!